Wednesday, May 2, 2012

every onehundred years

“Woody Guthrie explains how every 100 years he will clean himself. Then he will continue on till another 100 years. The leaves will still grow fast and the trees will still grow slow. Then he asks how big he will grow in 100 years. So he takes his shovel and digs. Noticing as years go by how big of a hole he knocked in.”

I think this is the message he is sending:

Every 100 years man will wash his face and hands leaving dirt and sin on his feet that would leave a trail every day. The leaves are the people (because the produce fast) and the earth is the tree. Then he asks how big he will grow. I could interpret this to how big will we grow in 100 years due to our footsteps. Lastly the message is if we use our technology and destroy the land we would cause one hell of a problem

dont go near the water

“cash sings about a stream that comes from most likely the rocky mountains and how it is clear and blue, till it passes through the city. At this point the water is no longer clear because of the people walking by and polluting the stream. Sighs of pollution are describe such as dead fish washing up on the shore. Things are not what they use to be, the air is dirty and acid rain something they never heard of before till then. “

Interesting thing is Mr. Johnny cash was a religious man and he wanted to start a career from it but god gave it to him the hard way. His first song was not religious but somewhat more spiritual. Mr.Cash clearly knew some things about things that were going on in the 1970’s. this song is evidence of a word spread out from a man of faith and he took his guitar and word of the people to spread the word along with them to make a change

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

nonfiction component

Nonfiction source Title:  “UPDATED: BP oil spill Corexit dispersants suspected in widespread crop damage”
Nonfiction source author: Yobie Benjamin
“Corexit 9500 is a pondering subject and research has he to be successful enough. However evidence shows that Corexit is not a safe substance to use i.e. other countries such as united kingdom’s marine management organization have band BP, from using Corexit products in the north sea. Sweden however has gone a step farther or “stronger” as usual and do not allow the use of dispersants period (this was mainly requested by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency). In the United Sates however the Environmental Protection Agency has a different plan of the use of dispersants such as Corexit. Basically in the golf the U.S.EPA thinks that if they add diluted Corexit to the already diluted oil that the thickening oil/Corexit floating will be better than oil slicks washing in beaches. Overall the author “Yobie Benjamin” says that this is “a lazy part on the EPA’s decision”. However the U.S. EPA lacks so called “Sufficient and Fundamental Data”, on dispersants and how the effect oil and the water column. So still apparently things have not sounded right enough for our EPA to take action, or it could be the opposite way around.”
Overall for me at least small amounts of data that are provided in this source and other sources have stroke me as accurate an intelligent enough to say Corexit 9500 as well as most other dispersants are dangerous to human and environmental health.  However I bring this subject to the world conquering power of capitalism because it is what got us in this mess. First I must state that I view socialism much higher although capitalism gives us much more freedom it the problem with it is capitalist who invests capital in a business (especially a large business), the investor is in charge one's own money or after the market formed, of others' money leaving conflicts on classes such as rich and poor. So clearly a capitalist is a person who makes his/her living primarily from owning the means of production and/or exploiting labor and traditionally there defined as:  a person who exploits labor (who are paid wages) for profit individually at owner’s expense (now a days by min. wage, bonuses, or raises). Having no complete control or knowledge of money is a problem because we have oil companies purchasing oil because they think we need oil and they can purchase oil. But this was one of those national disasters caused by those actions of mass purchasing of oil we have put our environment and oceans. Thus I believe in equality and a constant system which may be continuous and less stressful on our lives. Socialism may do this and prevent these terrible things from happening to our earth.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

The case of the Woburn toxic trail (A Civil Action)

“Several people of a small town are affected by two deaths of children due to leukemia. In 1982 a year after her son’s death Donna Robbins, Anne Anderson and six other families sued companies W.R. Grace & Co. and Beatrice Foods Inc. claiming that the companies had been dumping toxic chemicals into water sources. Jan Schlichtmann and three other lawyers from a small town law firm are put to the challenge of proving this accusation and case. Jan keeps the case and refuses to quit on his clients so they may get their money (even though it was to everyone considered to be a non-profiting case). However the sum of money was so large, so Jan goes to a higher company which he is in agreement with but there not easy to contact or cooperate. Jan and his colleagues face each other with struggle using everything, eventually frustrated of no success after several years and no money coming in Jan’s three colleagues leave him and move on. Eventually a surprise comes across jan in 1991.”
1979 had the largest daily discharge which was a discharge of 950 cfs compared to 1987’s daily discharge of aprox. 795 cfs. So data shown dose prove that there is something and someone adding major chemicals in to the water that are hazardous to human health. The case of the Woburn toxic trail is long over now. Jan Schlichtmann continued being a lawyer after word instead of other cases he became more involved with health and environmental cases. The most interesting is perhaps this link:

If you zoom in you will see many labels some which are simple ones such as “rusty can or metal and scrap pile”, scientific such as “200 ppm (parts per million) of a substance or something, and coordinates or something like “SP-13”. Clearly during the 1980’s and before Woburn was a very wasteland like area wet from the wild life wet lands and dirt dark from thick peat and fallen leaves, garbage here and there it would be a very depressing sight for me to see. Over all the big point of the toxic problem in Woburn is not that companies polluted and refused casually to admit it. It should be based on fact and moral which the fact was they were the cause and the EPA finalized a $69.5 million settlement with five responsible parties for the cleanup of the Wells G & H Superfund Site. The responsible parties were Beatrice foods, W.R. Grace, UniFirst, Hemingway Trucking, and New England Plastics. Lastly is never give up in something in which you believe in, be selfish, don’t let go of what you desire most. Jan Schlichtmann is that man who lived by a moral somewhat like this he lost his money, his law firm, and colleagues. Most of all he never gave up

Recommended data and maps:






Source of some material in post and data:



Sunday, April 22, 2012

web content three: Corexit Holocaust Dispersant Genocide Dr Susan Shaw on CNN Expose its Danger.mp4

Summary: “On CNN, Dr. Susan Shaw, Marine toxicologist reported a gruesome condition of a shrimper who was exposed to Corexit 9500. He suffered internal bleeding from the rectum, vomiting, and other problems. Dr. Shaw overall states it is a problem of ocean pollution that will have a large impact on marine life and humans. Dr. Susan Shaw has a Doctoral Degree (DrPH) in Public Health/Environmental Health Sciences from Columbia University.”

Analysis: This CNN video from YouTube on Corexit use in the gulf cleanup is neither valid nor invalid. It simply seems that the situation remains unsolved till scientist can estimate its true make up, causes, and affects. Main problem: they lack significant data on how dispersants affect oil, what creatures live in deep water ecosystems, how to translate laboratory toxicity test to conditions in the ocean , and how oil and dispersants affects marine life, people, and other organisms over time.

Info on COREXIT: Corexit 9500 is a solvent, originally developed by EXXON. it is now Manufactured by Nalco of Naperville, Illinois. It is only toxic by 2.61 ppm (parts per million) wile oil is at 11 ppm. Corexit is supposedly the most toxic dispersal agent of its kind. But it is the dispersant that’s more toxic. It could be the mixture of it and oil makes it much more toxic (this has yet to be proved)

web content two:Days Are Here Again — But Is That Good?

Summary: “Across the country more than 7,700 daily temperature records were broken and people have their eyes out for an extreme weather event with local and global implications. Jim Sublett an allergist in Louisville, Kentucky states that allergies have came early due to the early warm weather and increasing patients. Dr. Heidi Cullen, Chief Climatologist at Clamate Central, states that this is somewhat true due to the increase of the earth’s temperature by 1.4 degrees over years. Yet a very miserable summer is not the full case because there is no connection with the seasons of winter and summer (so it’s impossible to really know how exactly warm it will be in the summer). “Ways to prevent the increasing weather problems should be focused on helpful and low-cost strategies that minimize loss of life”, states Christopher Field a Climate Scientist at Stanford. Over all this year and last year were significant in floods and tornadoes (this year more extreme). If it will be a very hot summer still remains the question.”

Analysis: NPR’s podcast on the weather this year of 2012 is mostly valid, due to their resources of information. An interesting statement is made by Arnold Coombs, a seventh-generation maple syrup farmer of Vermont said:  he and most maple syrup farmers of Vermont knew better than to tap a tree early or on the first Tuesday of March, but this year farmers had to be tapping by the second week. Now I’m interested in the environment but due to us and the environment we are not only stuck with weather problems, but health, safety and economic concerns due to our political, scientific and individual beliefs and activity.  

web content one:Calif. Study: Nail Products Contain Toxic Chemicals

Summary: “The California department of toxic substance control tested several nail polishes, which claimed to be free of toxic chemicals. Down side was almost all contained the chemical Toluene. Cam Vong, a California nail technician heard about the study and is interviewed by Ted Robbins; Vong states it leaves her worried over customers and sales. Doug Schoon, chemist and co-chair of the nail manufactures council (also interviewed) states the study looked at small manufacturers and levels of Toluene were below safety standards and legal. Jeff Wong, scientist of the California department of substance control (also interviewed) agrees with Schoon , however the point made is the manufacturers by mislabeling of the nail polishes it robs people of choice and correcting the mislabeling is what should happen next.”

Analysis: NPR’s podcast on unlabeled nail polish and toxic chemicals seems over all a valid source. Not because I favor large and small manufacturers, but mainly because there is no evidence that long term exposure to the chemicals Toluene and Diburtyl Phalate is harmful. Any further research is today being done between the department of toxic substances and the nail care industry in cooperation.