Tuesday, May 1, 2012

nonfiction component

Nonfiction source Title:  “UPDATED: BP oil spill Corexit dispersants suspected in widespread crop damage”
Nonfiction source author: Yobie Benjamin
“Corexit 9500 is a pondering subject and research has he to be successful enough. However evidence shows that Corexit is not a safe substance to use i.e. other countries such as united kingdom’s marine management organization have band BP, from using Corexit products in the north sea. Sweden however has gone a step farther or “stronger” as usual and do not allow the use of dispersants period (this was mainly requested by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency). In the United Sates however the Environmental Protection Agency has a different plan of the use of dispersants such as Corexit. Basically in the golf the U.S.EPA thinks that if they add diluted Corexit to the already diluted oil that the thickening oil/Corexit floating will be better than oil slicks washing in beaches. Overall the author “Yobie Benjamin” says that this is “a lazy part on the EPA’s decision”. However the U.S. EPA lacks so called “Sufficient and Fundamental Data”, on dispersants and how the effect oil and the water column. So still apparently things have not sounded right enough for our EPA to take action, or it could be the opposite way around.”
Overall for me at least small amounts of data that are provided in this source and other sources have stroke me as accurate an intelligent enough to say Corexit 9500 as well as most other dispersants are dangerous to human and environmental health.  However I bring this subject to the world conquering power of capitalism because it is what got us in this mess. First I must state that I view socialism much higher although capitalism gives us much more freedom it the problem with it is capitalist who invests capital in a business (especially a large business), the investor is in charge one's own money or after the market formed, of others' money leaving conflicts on classes such as rich and poor. So clearly a capitalist is a person who makes his/her living primarily from owning the means of production and/or exploiting labor and traditionally there defined as:  a person who exploits labor (who are paid wages) for profit individually at owner’s expense (now a days by min. wage, bonuses, or raises). Having no complete control or knowledge of money is a problem because we have oil companies purchasing oil because they think we need oil and they can purchase oil. But this was one of those national disasters caused by those actions of mass purchasing of oil we have put our environment and oceans. Thus I believe in equality and a constant system which may be continuous and less stressful on our lives. Socialism may do this and prevent these terrible things from happening to our earth.

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