Sunday, April 22, 2012

web content three: Corexit Holocaust Dispersant Genocide Dr Susan Shaw on CNN Expose its Danger.mp4

Summary: “On CNN, Dr. Susan Shaw, Marine toxicologist reported a gruesome condition of a shrimper who was exposed to Corexit 9500. He suffered internal bleeding from the rectum, vomiting, and other problems. Dr. Shaw overall states it is a problem of ocean pollution that will have a large impact on marine life and humans. Dr. Susan Shaw has a Doctoral Degree (DrPH) in Public Health/Environmental Health Sciences from Columbia University.”

Analysis: This CNN video from YouTube on Corexit use in the gulf cleanup is neither valid nor invalid. It simply seems that the situation remains unsolved till scientist can estimate its true make up, causes, and affects. Main problem: they lack significant data on how dispersants affect oil, what creatures live in deep water ecosystems, how to translate laboratory toxicity test to conditions in the ocean , and how oil and dispersants affects marine life, people, and other organisms over time.

Info on COREXIT: Corexit 9500 is a solvent, originally developed by EXXON. it is now Manufactured by Nalco of Naperville, Illinois. It is only toxic by 2.61 ppm (parts per million) wile oil is at 11 ppm. Corexit is supposedly the most toxic dispersal agent of its kind. But it is the dispersant that’s more toxic. It could be the mixture of it and oil makes it much more toxic (this has yet to be proved)

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